jgEffects 1.7.0 !
< マルチエフェクターアプリ "jgEffects" が 1.7.0 になりました >
最新バージョンの目玉エフェクト「Duck Muff」↓
+ Ver.1.7.0 - 追加エフェクター +
Duck Muff
コントロール:Depth, Tone, Wet
iOS 8.0 以上、iPhone 5, iPad mini 2 より上位の機種での使用をお勧めします。

"Duck Muff" which is a featured effect pedal in this ver.
sounds' like duck voices, farts!
+ added sound effect(s) in ver. 1.7.0 +
Duck Muff
It is inspired by duck voices, farts and is designed based on vibrato. including slight wah.
Controls : Depth, Tone, Wet
++ supported device ++
iOS 8.0 or later.
The app is recommended for use with iPhone 5/iPad mini 2 or later models.

Apogee JAM
please get it at a nearby musical instrument store or at a online shop like amazon.com.
IK Multimedia iRig
please get it at a nearby musical instrument store or at a online shop like amazon.com.
also available for use in a microphone because it has XLR connection.
please get it at a nearby musical instrument store or at a online shop like amazon.com.