jgEffects+ 0.3.0 をリリースしました / 0.3.0 has been released
現在サポートしているブラウザはChrome最新版となっておりますが、最新版のFirefox, Safariでも機能概ね動作するようになりました。
In this version, you can now select the audio input source (audio interface input source).
Currently, the supported browsers are the latest version of Chrome, but most of the functions now work with the latest versions of Firefox and Safari.
In the future, we plan to improve performance and add new effects and recording functions.
Technically, I used javascript “navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices ()” to get a list of input devices and made it possible to select a device from the list.
I tried to see if the input device could be switched without interruption of the audio, but it was impossible, so I decided to pause after switching the input device. It took a long time.
guitar stomp-box app “jgEffects+”