・削除アイテムのindex指定: list.removeAt(index); ・レンジ(範囲)指定: List list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9]; list.removeRange(0…

jgCajon(-Free) 4.0
日本語 | in english < ジングルカホン シミュレートアプリ "jgCajon" が 4.0 になりました > このバージョンアップで iOS9 に完全対応となりま...
jgCajon(-Free) 3.0 !
Up to date jgCajon(-Free) 3.0. What's New in the Latest Ver. The app supports iOS8. It able to change each vol...
jgCajon 2.0 available
Up to date jgCajon 2.0. Visit App Store What's New in the Latest Ver. - Adds Recording capability. - Adds supp...
jgCajon-Free Now on App Store
jgCajon-Free just released jgCajon-Free on App Store. jgCajon-Free is a App which simulated Jingle-Cajon. The ...
jgCajon Now on App Store
jgCajon just released jgCajon on App Store. jgCajon is a App which simulated Jingle-Cajon. The App delivers yo...